For many years, Smadar Sharett has lived and breathed the realm of poetry. After seven books published and a variety of multidisciplinary projects in which she has participated with leading artists in Israel, Sharett embarks on a new path and accompanies the new generation of Israeli writers. In a powerful and confrontational process, which delves into the very heart of the writing process, Sharett offers emerging youg writers essential tools acquired throughout her years of writing experience and helps them find within them the sources of pain and passion that allow poetry to emerge.
Smadar was raised in Ashdod, which she left in her youth. Since she was 7, she was lured into the world of the written word, and especially the Hebrew poets. In the coming years, she set forth on a long journey searching for her unique voice. From Kibbutz Misgav Am to Jerusalem, to Tel-Aviv and then to to Paris. Her journey eventually led her in the mid 90's back to her hometown Ashdod, where she has written some of most significant works. Between the years 2019-2020, she wrote a weekly column, "A woman's process" in the local newspaper: "Kan Darom", in which she shared with her readers, among other things, her complex relationship with the city of Ashdod.
Throughout the years, Smadar Sharet acquired a bachelor's degree in theater education and history from the Hebrew University (1981), and a master's degree in literary writing from the Department of Hebrew Literature at Ben-Gurion University (2014). In addition, she has a degree in group facilitation from the Institute for Group Facilitation in Arts, at Bar Ilan University, as well as a teaching diploma in theater from Tel Aviv University.
Sharett has published ten poetry books, three of them, "This City", "Grandpa Yehuda", and Grasping life with lust", were created just last year during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns. These were cooperative projects accomplished with the aid of painter Rafi Peretz. This significant encounter with Rafi Peretz – an experienced and renowned artist in Israel, spawned unique and thought-provoking books.
Recently, a musical album of her songs "Until Next Summer" was released, produced by Yaniv Nachmani, also from Ashdod.
After years of creation, expressing her rich experiences through the spoken words, Sharett found herself at a crossroads. There comes a moment in every creator's life when it comes clear that it's time to leave a legacy and share with others the knowledge and abilities accumulated over the years. Now, Smadar puts in a considerable part of her time in promoting the field of poetry in Israel and make it accessible to all sections and cultures of the Israeli society.
For decades, she has conducted writing workshops and guided her students through the writing process. "There are mental storms in the writing process", says Sharett, "but when you know how to navigate them, you can reach a safe shore".